
Showing posts from October, 2009

Chapter 3

As time has gone on, I’ve come to realize that my spiritual ramblings really need a place of their own. I’ll be sharing some things in here that really don’t need to be shared with the world at large, so if you’re reading this, you’re obviously among the few I’ve invited—and that actually care. For that, I thank you. So without any further ado, here’s The Gospel According to Jeffrey.

Emotion vs. Spirit

It has always interested me—and not necessarily in a good way—that so many critics of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints complain that the Church is a “brainwashing cult” or whatever. The irony of this becomes particularly apparent when one realizes that many of the most outspoken critics have done no firsthand (or even secondhand) research whatsoever, they just attended some “Mormonism” class that their own church put on and assume everything said in that class—like everything their preacher has ever said—is the Gospel truth. Now, don’t get me wrong; I fully recognize that there are some misinformed members of the Church of Jesus Christ that fall into this same category: that of assuming that everything a leader says, regardless of what it is, is scripture on the same level as the canonical works. This is obviously not the case, as several Church leaders—even Apostles—have been officially rebuked for certain *ahem* inaccurate statements made along the way. I have person...