Anti-Romney, Anti-Christ
Before I start, I want to emphasize that I am not equating the two terms found in the title. It is certainly possible to be anti-Romney and pro-Christ, and it is equally possible to be pro-Romney and anti-Christ. However, I have placed them in close proximity to address a specific argument that I saw, this morning, which is equal amounts of each. The argument in question is part of a graphic going around Facebook. The text, for those who can’t see the graphic, is as follows: “[Mitt] Romney’s Mormon [sic] ancestors flee to Mexico to avoid anti polygamy [sic] laws imposed on them in 1892. “Pro Vietnam War [sic] Mitt Romney flees to France as Mormon [sic] missionaryto [sic] avoid military service in 1968. “Mitt Romney makes millions of dollars exporting American jobs to China and other low wage [sic] countries. “Mitt Romney parks his personal wealth in overseas banks to avoid USA taxes. “Now we are told he is a patriot who should be elected President? Seriously are [sic] we...