A person on a web site I frequent claimed, yesterday, that the Book of Mormon cannot be deemed accurate from external sources. His argument is that the Bible is evidenced by external documents confirming, for example, the existence of Joseph Caiaphas and Pontius Pilate . I’m rather pleased with my response, which thus far remains unchallenged, despite this individual’s continued participation in the thread. As such, I share it here. U-Kish Kan For the record, there is as much extra-scriptural evidence for Kish as there is for Pilate or Caiaphas. Monument 47 displays a named engraving of U-Kish Kan , an Olmec king who lived in the same time and place as the Jaredite ruler. Now, is it possible that U-Kish Kan is not the same Kish mentioned in the Book of Mormon? Of course. Is it even possible that the Book of Mormon Kish is a fictional character? From a strictly logical standpoint, of course. But is it not equally possible, equally logical, that the scriptural Caiaph...