
Showing posts from December, 2013

Lack of Enthusiasm

Last night I was waiting for my older daughter, Leah, to emerge from her first-ever Activity Days when I overheard an interesting conversation. The participant doing most of the talking was a woman I did not recognize, but whom I’m guessing is one of our ward’s many new members. (Not only have we had quite a few recent convert baptisms in our ward, but perhaps 40-50% of active ward members are married-student families, so transience is very much a fact of life.) Regardless, the woman seemed to be a member of the recently reorganized Young Women’s leadership, which will become relevant in a minute. The other participant—if you can call her that—was a young girl whom I also did not recognize, but I suspect is a member of the Spanish branch with which we combine for youth and Primary activities. Judging by her appearance, the girl was probably somewhere in the vicinity of her 12th birthday, and the conversation sounded like the adult leader trying to encourage her to participate in t...