The President Packer Postulate (Epilogue)

I’ve had quite a few people contact me about this post, both those few who took the time to comment on this blog and many others with whom I’ve discussed and debated on other sites. I think a fitting conclusion to this topic, however, comes not from me, but from a self-described “(Gay) Mormon Guy,” whose treatment of President Packer’s discourse is more powerful and poignant than anything I could ever hope to write.

Please check out what he has to say about President Packer’s talk. You won’t be sorry.

Update: I thought this was the end, but of course, people just can’t let it go. Check out The President Packer Postulate Revisited for even more on this long-dead horse. ;-)


  1. Thanks, Jeff. I went and read it. Excellent. As I commented on his post, he has restored my hope in humanity.


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