Deborah Harry Must Be So Proud…

So in case you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past week or two, the Rapture is upon us. According to radio broadcaster Harold Camping, tomorrow, 21 May 2011, will begin the “End Times” as millions of Christians are taken up into Heaven and everybody else—presumably including those of us who do not revere Mr. Camping as God’s duly authorized mouthpiece—will be left behind (perhaps with Kirk Cameron) for Earth’s last five months of existence before the end. (And you thought that the end wouldn’t come until 21 December 2012. Of course, dear reader, you are wrong.)

Of course, the biggest tragedy of all this is that after fourteen months of waiting, our ward’s new meetinghouse isn’t scheduled to be dedicated until Sunday evening, 22 May 2011. This wouldn’t be so bad, except I would think that Elder Lansing—the seventy who is scheduled to dedicate it—will presumably be twinkled into his resurrected state tomorrow, and I guess he probably won’t come back until after the tribulation is over. It’s always something, right?

Anyway, if you’re concerned as to whether or not you’ll be around to see if the dedication happens on Sunday, our friends at Peas and Cougars have posted this handy chart for you. Enjoy!


  1. Yes, he's another Mormon since these are the "Latter Days", right?

  2. Not sure what you mean by that, Kevin. Care to elaborate?

    Thanks! :-)


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