A Conversion Story (Part VIII)

(Coming in late? Start from the beginning!)

“Jesus … saith unto him, Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee” (Matt. 5:19).

I got home on Thursday, July 18, and basically crashed for the rest of the day (and night). On Friday, my best friend, Keith (who had lent me the money to buy the plane ticket) and I got together so I could tell him all about my time with Anna. I didn’t talk too much about the religious aspect (he already knew I was kinda interested), but we had such a great time hanging out that when it got pretty late, I called my parents and asked if I could spend the night. Funny thing is, despite my having been gone for a week and a half, they said yes. Funnier still, they said yes again when I called, the next night, and asked if I could spend the night at Keith’s place, again!

As guys often do, we stayed up quite late, both nights. At about 3:00 Sunday morning (the second night I was there), the discussion got pretty existential. Revealing a side of him that only his best friend could understand, Keith said to me, “You know, I really need some direction in my life. I need to find a church, or something.”

“Well,” I replied, “If these missionaries from Anna’s church ever bother to show up, you’re welcome to learn about her church, with me.”

We talked for another two hours.

Tune in next time for Part IX!


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